Tus Musas

Comentarios (3)

Diedra - 8 Junio 23:38


Stan - 12 Julio 21:02

That was super cute and funny.

Coaker - 28 Noviembre 15:11

She's not even fucking choking you noodle-dick shit, send her my way and I'll show her how a woman should be treated.

Monte - 4 Augusto 13:29

Can you do a video on dating/hooking up after experiencing trauma? I know you made a video on sexual assault but I'd love a video that specifically talks about discussing it with your partner and how to ease your way back into it. Stuff like that.

Olesen - 1 Mayo 14:39

Ein super Arsch

Marshall - 23 Abril 20:04

Nope not convinced. I don't know about most people but I would not gamble with those odds. Especially putting control completely in the guy to be able to reject the primal urge to ejaculate and stop right beforehand. Just doesn't seem like an enjoyable way to have sex if you constantly wondering if he will pull out in time.

Eversmann - 11 Marzo 11:56

This video made me touch myself...I'd like to have his cock rubbing my clit right now!